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Franklin University Switzerland celebrates the Opening Ceremony
of its EMBA program’s 2nd cohort in Shenzhen with its partner
Abundance International Education Institution
December 19th, 2021


The EMBA degree program of Franklin University Switzerland is exclusively introduced by Franklin’s partner in China, Abundance International Education Institution. The program has first-class Swiss quality, accredited in the US by MSCHE, in Switzerland and China, and is the only Swiss orthodox university in the field of adult education in China for 40 years

Franklin University Switzerland celebrates the Opening Ceremony of its EMBA program’s 2nd cohort in Shenzhen with its partner Abundance International Education Institution


As an American-style university located on Swiss soil, Franklin University Switzerland, with its first-class quality and a rare university brand recognized by Swiss, American and Chinese authorities, has gained widespread attention in China.

In less than two years a large number of students have been connected to top European universities through the programme and are embarking on exciting study careers.

瑞士联邦驻广州总领事彭逸凡 先生 Mr.Philippe Praz 亲临见证这一重要典礼,并对即将或已经就读的学生提出衷心祝贺,对中瑞两方教育合作交流表示高度赞赏。

Mr. Philippe Praz, Consul General of the Swiss Confederation in Guangzhou, witnessed this important ceremony in person, congratulated the students who are about to study or have already studied, and expressed high appreciation for the educational cooperation and exchanges between China and Switzerland.

Franklin University Switzerland celebrates the Opening Ceremony of its EMBA program’s 2nd cohort in Shenzhen with its partner Abundance International Education Institution
Franklin University Switzerland celebrates the Opening Ceremony of its EMBA program’s 2nd cohort in Shenzhen with its partner Abundance International Education Institution


Mr. Hui Zhongyi, the general manager of the EMBA program of Franklin University Switzerland, and the Chairman of Abundance International Education Institution, delivered a speech

瑞士富兰克林大学是一所秉承牛津、剑桥精神和“世界博雅教育院校联盟”(GLAA)的头部翘楚大学,学生可以学习历史、国际关系、经济、政治、环境研究、国际管理、语言、文学和艺术等不同学科, 从而“博古通今、兼容并蓄!”全方位锻造人的价值观和精神气象!

Franklin University Switzerland is a leading university adhering to the spirit of Oxford and Cambridge and the "Global Association of Liberal Education Institutions" (GLAA). Students can study history, international relations, economics, politics, environmental studies, international management, language, literature.


And different disciplines such as art, thus, "to be inclusive of the past and the present!" Forging human values and spirituality from all angles!

Franklin University Switzerland celebrates the Opening Ceremony of its EMBA program’s 2nd cohort in Shenzhen with its partner Abundance International Education Institution
Franklin University Switzerland celebrates the Opening Ceremony of its EMBA program’s 2nd cohort in Shenzhen with its partner Abundance International Education Institution



Fire of Humanity

"Cultivating a liberal arts world citizenship with a new kind of international education," so that the majority of students can become outstanding multinational business leaders, is the fundamental and pride of Franklin.



Fire of Humanity

A highly humanistic liberal arts education, passed on to the students of China through the flame of Franklin's humanism, is a powerful complement to current education.

Franklin University Switzerland celebrates the Opening Ceremony of its EMBA program’s 2nd cohort in Shenzhen with its partner Abundance International Education Institution
Franklin University Switzerland celebrates the Opening Ceremony of its EMBA program’s 2nd cohort in Shenzhen with its partner Abundance International Education Institution



Fire of Wisdom

Education is not to fill a bucket of water, but to light a fire. A good education has always been the teaching of how to learn, and Franklin is the great spark that lit the fire of wisdom for all to learn.



Fire of Wisdom

The EMBA program of Franklin University Switzerland is the spark of wisdom that helps us open the path to lifelong learning.

Franklin University Switzerland celebrates the Opening Ceremony of its EMBA program’s 2nd cohort in Shenzhen with its partner Abundance International Education Institution


Franklin University Switzerland celebrates the Opening Ceremony of its EMBA program’s 2nd cohort in Shenzhen with its partner Abundance International Education Institution


Fire of Heritage

Franklin University Switzerland is also the only university in Europe named after Benjamin Franklin, a rarity in global higher education. Benjamin Franklin, a politician, scientist, diplomat, outstanding social activist and the founding father of the United States, is a recognized outstanding figure not only in the hearts of Americans, but also in the hearts of people in Europe and the world. With his own diligence and pragmatism, he created an immortal myth step by step, becoming the "greatest and most outstanding person in the era and country he lived in", and was known as "the first world citizen in the 18th century"!



Fire of Heritage

The co-founders of the school agreed to use Benjamin Franklin's philosophy of global intelligent exchange between the old world and the new world as a cornerstone to encourage students to participate actively in world affairs in a global, liberal education that would truly prepare them to become global citizens.

Franklin University Switzerland celebrates the Opening Ceremony of its EMBA program’s 2nd cohort in Shenzhen with its partner Abundance International Education Institution
Franklin University Switzerland celebrates the Opening Ceremony of its EMBA program’s 2nd cohort in Shenzhen with its partner Abundance International Education Institution



Fire of Heritage

Inherited by Franklin's spirit of exploration, freedom, innovation and tolerance, the flame of inheritance of Franklin University Switzerland is passed on in the hands of every student, and every student who comes out from here is the inheritor of Franklin's spirit.



Fire of Learning

Rabindranath Tagore said: "The master of destiny is oneself, and the master of oneself is consciousness. What is of value to us is not the fact that we have studied at school, but the attitude of seeking to learn. To learn, you can set your mind; to learn, you can become a man; to learn, you can never stop. For it is only learning that makes your life deeper, only learning that makes you see the world more fully and on a higher plane.”

Franklin University Switzerland celebrates the Opening Ceremony of its EMBA program’s 2nd cohort in Shenzhen with its partner Abundance International Education Institution
Franklin University Switzerland celebrates the Opening Ceremony of its EMBA program’s 2nd cohort in Shenzhen with its partner Abundance International Education Institution

学习之火 - Fire of Learning









A life enriched by lifelong learning

A life of learning is a life of broadened horizons

Lifelong learning makes life more meaningful and valuable.


Whatever you learn, you gain

Anything you get is useful

All that is gained is used








The humanistic spirit of Franklin University Switzerland has been passed down from generation to generation. It was a great moment, a great moment in the lives of our students.

Greatness is when the right people, events, things and situations happen in the right time and space.

It is accidental and inevitable!

These four fires of Franklin are the beginning of greatness.

Committed to achieving life-long education and making life-long learning the most beautiful experience in life!

Abundance International Education Institution website

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